Face masks are worn to prevent the wearer’s inhalation of airborne contaminants, dust, mists, and other irritants. Wearing a face mask can be uncomfortable or even irritating for some people due to facial hair, poor fit, heat build-up around the nose especially during summertime, peeling skin under the edges of the mask causing ulcers on lips and above the chin, and other reasons. Although, wearing a face mask is extremely important in preventing respiratory problems providing comfort for patients with facial hair, and providing an alternative to shaving.
Wearing a good Face Mask like the Andy and Ivan Adult Disposable Pleated Face Mask Mechanism: The mechanism of wearing a face mask involves two simple principles:
1) the seal created between the skin and cuff or collar of the face mask and
2) the fit between the face mask and nose
A properly worn face mask creates a continuous, complete seal by eliminating leaks. The design of most current masks allows proper fitting regardless of facial contours or shape since they are designed so that one size fits all.
Caring for your Face mask:
To maintain the effectiveness of face masks and to prolong their use, they must be cared for properly. Follow these steps:
1) Do not let others use your mask and you should not share yours with them because disease germs can live on a mask even after it has been washed.
2) Always inspect your mask before and after each use.
3) If a mask has been used by someone else, it must be disinfected before you use it yourself.
4) Do not leave a mask to soak in germicide solution for longer than the recommended time.
5) When removing your face mask, hold the neck strap out away from your body and discard the mask.
6) If you have a cold, fever, or other illness that causes your nose to run or drip, do not wear a face mask until your symptoms are gone.
Wearing a face mask is very important in multiple industries like health care, construction, manufacturing, and many more to prevent the wearer’s inhalation of airborne contaminants. Following proper caring procedures for your face mask is very important as it will prolong its usage.